Color: The only accepted color is sepia brown in an agouti-ticked pattern. This means that most of the individual hairs on the cat have alternating bands of the dark sepia brown and a warm old ivory ground color. The muzzle, chest and underside of the cat are the light color only with no ticking. Like all tabbies, they have some darker lines accenting the face.

Grooming: Because of its very short, close-lying coat, the Singapura needs no grooming other than lots of petting. Don't forget to routinely trim the nails.

Best Home: This breed is adaptable to a variety of lifestyles, but it does need attention. Adults who can give a lot of love are essential. Children's activity is welcomed if they have learned to be gentle. Another cat for companionship is a good idea. They are not afraid to start training even the largest dog.

National Breed Club: International Singapura Alliance

Personality: Singapuras are very active cats with a genuine need for their people. They are curious and very intelligent. There is no door or drawer a Singapura cannot open. A good supply of toys is essential, although they will often create their own. Without noticing it, you most likely will find that the cat has subtly trained you to do things its way.

Appearance: The Singapura's small size gives it a deceptively delicate appearance even though the body should be moderately stocky and muscular. Males and females generally weigh between 5 and 8 pounds when fully mature at 2 years old. The first feature people usually notice is the angelic face, with its huge, beguiling eyes and large ears. The head itself is rounded with a broad muzzle and blunt nose. Legs are muscled and taper to small oval feet.
Color: Body color ranges from glacial white to pale fawn. Seal, blue, chocolate and lilac are the four point colors accepted by purists. Red, cream, tortie and lynx (tabby) points are created by outcrossing to other breeds; some associations classify these cats as the Colorpoint breed.

Grooming: Many enjoy a good brushing but basically maintain themselves. Frequent petting keeps loose hair to a minimum.

Best Home: Anything, as long as it involves lots of contact with people.

National Breed Club: Siamese Internet Cat Club; www.meezer.com

Personality: Intelligent, highly social, and demand to be part of your daily activities. Very vocal. Enjoy interaction with adults, children and dogs. Although busy and clownish, they enjoy a good cuddle.

Appearance: Long, tubular body with long, fine-boned legs and a long, whippy tail. Wedge-shaped head with large, flared ears. "Traditional" variety has more-robust body and rounder "apple" head with smaller ears. Coat is short and close-lying; "traditional" cats generally have thicker coats. Sapphire-blue eyes set at a slant.
Color: Ocicats come in all the colors associated with the parent breeds: tawny, cinnamon, blue and fawn from the Abyssinian; chocolate and lavender from the Siamese; and each color on a silver background from the American Shorthair.

Grooming: The short, satiny coat requires no special grooming. Frequent petting will help to remove dead hair and leave the coat shiny.

National Breed Club: Ocicats of North America; www.abcs.com/catoninetail/ona

Personality: Exotic in looks only. Intelligent and easily trainable, this breed adapts well to homes with dogs and other cats. They travel well and are not bashful with strangers. Ocicats thrive on human interaction and therefore do not do well in homes where they are left alone for long periods. They talk like a Siamese but do not have the same raucous voice.

Appearance: A large, athletic cat with an extremely muscular body. The head is a gently curved wedge with a squared muzzle and broad nose, much like the ocelot it mimics. The coat is short, with a satin sheen that shows off the pattern. Spots on the body are shaped like a thumbprint and ideally scattered randomly over the body. Classic, or marble, patterns occur in Ocicat litters but are not showable. Like any other tabby, there are stripes on the legs, rings on the tail and vest buttons on the belly, as well as dramatic facial markings. All markings should be clearly defined against the lighter background color.
Color: Most associations accept all colors and patterns except those derived from Siamese (color points), although some recognize these as well.

Grooming: Double coat of the shorthair does best with occasional brushing. Longhair needs weekly combing and benefits from regular bathing.

Best Home: Sometimes cautious of strangers, Manx like to interact with their family. They do well with dogs and children if introduced at an early age.

National Breed Club: International Manx & Cymric Society

Personality: Lively, entertaining and inquisitive. Will often collect small objects. Soft voices with quiet trill. Appreciate tall scratch posts.

Appearance: Powerfully built cat with deep, broad chest. Back rises in arc to round, tailless rump. Broad head with firm, round muzzle and prominent cheeks. When viewed from behind, shape of the inner edges of ears resembles a rocker on a cradle. Longhaired (Cymric) and shorthaired varieties.
Color: The short, close-lying coat is "rain-cloud gray" tipped in silver for a shimmering effect.

Grooming: Like most shorthaired cats, the Korat requires very little grooming other than petting and occasional brushing to remove loose hair.

Best Home: Korats are an excellent choice for people who live alone, although they will bond strongly to other cats and even dogs. Korats love to be physically close to their chosen people.

Personality: This moderately active cat has strong likes and dislikes. It can be very territorial and will make a faithful, if demanding, companion. A heightened sense of hearing makes the Korat very sensitive to surrounding activities. Owners say Korats have a sense of humor and love to play with almost any toy.

Appearance: The muscular, compact Korat weighs from 4 to 10 pounds and has a broad chest. Inside the heart-shaped outline of the head, a second heart can be traced from the chin, over the ridges of the eyebrows, dipping back down to the bridge of the nose. The nose should have a lion-like downward slope in profile. Oversized eyes are a luminous peridot green.
Country of Origin: Japan

Color: A wide variety of colors and patterns are accepted, but the most popular are the dramatic markings of the calico (mi-ke) and black/white.

Grooming: Shorthaired Japanese Bobtails require very little grooming other than petting. They shed very little, mostly in the spring. Longhairs may benefit from an occasional brushing to keep the ruff and leg britches looking good when in full coat.

Best Home: Active and unafraid of chaos and noise, the Japanese Bobtail makes an ideal cat for a family with busy children. Breeders recommend that Japanese Bobtails always have a companion, whether a cat, dog or some other pet. They can get into trouble if bored.

Personality: This playful, social cat demands interaction. The cat will want to participate in all family activities. They are stable, not high-strung, and will show affection to family and friends. The cat produces quiet chirps, hums and meows. A born retriever, Japanese Bobtails love a good game of fetch.

Appearance: The Japanese Bobtail is a medium-sized cat; females weigh approximately 6 pounds and males approximately 8. The lean and muscular body should never have the tubular look of the Oriental or Siamese. Legs are long and slender with the taller hind legs carried at a deep angle so the back appears level. Every cat has a unique tail, which can have any combination of curves, angles and kinks, but may not exceed 3 inches in length. The tail is movable at the base and can be very expressive. High cheekbones and a distinct slant to the eyes complete the chiseled Oriental look. The coat can be short, soft and silky or semi-long with britches and a neck ruff.
Color: Solid colors only. CFA - the Havana Brown is accepted in Brown only. TICA - refers to breed as Havana and accepts both Chocolate and Lilac colors

Grooming: Unless you plan to show your Havana Brown, it will require very little formal grooming. A good diet will keep the coat shiny and the cat will take care of bathing. A weekly grooming with a rubber brush will help prevent hairballs.

Best Home: Havana Browns love to follow their humans wherever they go. A sudden crash that might send other cats diving for cover will bring the Havana to investigate. Outgoing and playful, they enjoy a good game of tag even as adults. They do well as only cats, and they can get rather possessive of their person. Breeders find they fit well into the household of the busy professional.

National Breed Club: International Havana Brown Society; www.havanabrown.org

Personality: This sociable, affectionate and intelligent companion instinctively knows when to give and when to demand attention. It is quiet and gentle with a soft voice (most of the time). The Havana Brown often uses its paws to investigate by touching and feeling, as well as using the "wounded paw" technique to elicit sympathy. Quick, agile and playful, this cat thrives on human companionship.

Appearance: Two features separate the Havana Brown from any other breed. The first, and most obvious is a glistening mahogany-brown coat. Medium short and close lying, it glows with reddish highlights and should be sound to the roots. (TICA accepts lilac Havanas.) The second feature is a distinctive "corn cob" muzzle that appears added to the skull rather than flowing from it. Unlike any other breed of cat, the whiskers are the same brown as the coat. The cat's medium-sized body should be firm and muscular but not tubular like a Siamese. Males tend to be larger, weighing 8 to 10 pounds, while females average 6 to 8. Large, oval green eyes give the cat a sultry look.

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