
Crotons - Planting, Propagation and Care

Crotons prefer high humidity, full sun and moist, humus-rich, but well-drained soil with a generous supply of organic material such as compost. Bright sunlight is essential for rich color development in the leaves. 

Crotons root easily and hedges are commonly propagated by stem cuttings. Cut large woody branches up to 1 inch in diameter and trim off all but the top five leaves. Then select a permanent location for the cuttings and shove the stems 4 inches into the loose, fertilized soil. Keep the soil damp but not soggy for the first three weeks. For smaller plants, take stem cuttings 6 to 12 inches long from green wood. 

Leave the cuttings overnight with their stems in water and dip them into a root hormone before placing them into a pot of Perlite, Vermiculite or simply sand. If you keep the planting medium continually damp, roots should appear in about a month.  

It can also be propagated by air-layering or tip cuttings of softwood. Dip the cut end in powdered charcoal to stop the bleeding, and keep cuttings above 70 degrees F. They should develop roots in a month or two.
Crotons need a moderate amount of watering. To maintain good growth, feed crotons regularly throughout with a water-soluble fertilizer

The plants are large, but seldom grow to more than 15 feet and can be controlled by tip pruning to limit their height and promote bushy growth. When fast-growing varieties of croton become 4 to 5 feet high, they begin to lose their lower leaves, particularly if they aren't getting enough water. Although pest problems are rare, crotons can be a target for some pests, mainly mealy bugs and small scales. The best way to get rid of the pests is to apply suitable pesticide available.

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