Colour: White, yellow, orange, red, purple
Cymbidiums are the best known and most widely grown of all orchids which will survive in almost any place. They contain around 44 species, the large flowered types which come from the higher regions of the Himalayas and the Orient require cool conditions to flower well.

The blooms vary in size and this reflects their labeling. Standard cymbidiums have large flowers of 4 to 5 " width and reach 4-feet high. Miniature cymbidium varieties produce smaller flowers of 1 to 3 " width. The blooms come in many different colors like white, yellow, orange, red, purple and even green.

Do not allow them to dry-out completely between watering. Cymbidiums prefer daytime temperatures of 60 to 90 degrees and 40 to 50 degree temperatures at night. They need high humidity. Fertilize them until they are through blooming. When new growth appears, fertilize with a bloom-booster fertilizer.
Simply feed them year round with a liquid 20-20-20 blend. This should create a plant that grows and blooms very well. It can be grown outside year round, where the temperatures do not get below freezing. While they are in bloom, place them in a shaded area because the sun will fade the pretty blossoms.
Cymbidiums can be repotted every alternate year or more frequently if the plant has deteriorated due to fungal infections or if rotting has occurred with over watering. A cymbidium plant may sometimes becomes fairly large and it may be divide or split. However larger the plant, the more flower spikes you can expect.