
Orange Roses

Scientific Name: Rosa Harroony

Type: Floribunda

Common names: Amber Queen, Harmony

Colour: Golden yellow

Large, semi-gloss, fully double magnificent flowers. Good as cut flowers, they have a strong spicy sweet fragrance. The plant is bushy and needs full sun. Generally grows from 3 to 3.5 feet, spreading habit, has good disease resistance and dark green bronze tinted foliage.

Scientific Name: Rosa Korgane

Type: Hybrid Tea

Common names: Las Vegas

Colour: Orange- gold blend

Upright bushy habit plant grows medium height of 3.5 feet. Medium sized flowers with 26 petals with golden yellow petal backs. Shapely pointed buds, strong fragrance and glossy foliage.

Scientific Name: Rosa Arocad

Type: Hybrid Tea

Common names: Brandy

Colour: Bronze-apricot

Large broad 28 petal flower with mild fragrance. Semi glossy, dark green foliage. Plant is medium tall, vigorous bush. Good disease resistance needs good soil.

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