Family: Euphobiaceae
Common names: Red Hot Cat's Tail, Chenille Plant
Flowering Season: Throughout the year
Colour: Red
Probably from Australia or Malaysia, Acalypha Hispida is very attractive with its bright green leaves toothed on the margin and long, hairy tail like crimson drooping red flower clusters. This perennial shrub may reach a height of 2 to 3 meters. The flowers can reach up to 10-50cm long and are usually red, but there is a white form called 'Alba'.
Acalypha Hispida requires bright light, well drained soil and warm conditions. It grows rapidly with good water and fertilizer. This plant can be propagated from cuttings and needs great care.
The cuttings can be planted in a sandy potting mix with adequate bottom heat. It can be grow in a standard potting mix or on the ground. Fertilizer can be added for best results.
Careful pinching and pruning is necessary to keep Acalypha Hispida from becoming too tall and untidy.
Dead flowers should be removed. Watering should be minimal in winter to avoid sogginess.
Red spider mites, scales and mealy bugs can be a problem, when the plant is kept inside.