
Yellow Roses

Scientific Name: -

Type: Hybrid tea/ climber

Common names: Summer Sunshine

Colour: Deep Yellow

Upright spreading plant reaches height from 3 to 3.5 feet. Very large flowers with 25 petals. Lightly fragrant. Glossy green leaves have a bronzy tint.

Scientific Name: Rosa Tanolg

Type: Hybrid Tea

Common names: Oregold' Miss Harp, Silhouette

Colour: Saffron-yellow

Upright medium bushy plant grows from 3 to 4 feet. Lightly scented large oval flowers with 40 petals. Dark glossy leaves.

Scientific Name: Rosa New Day

Type: Hybrid Tea

Common names: New Day' Mabella

Colour: Soft Yellow

Upright, bushy fairly thorny plant of height 4 feet. Leathery gray-green foliage. Large double high centered blooms. Tapered buds. Spicy fragrance.

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